320+ Greek Team Names (2024)

Are you in search of the perfect Greek team name that will ignite the spirit of ancient warriors within your group?

In this blog, we have curated a list of epic Greek team names that are bound to unleash your inner Spartan.

Whether you’re forming a sports team, a gaming squad, or a group for any other purpose, these powerful and inspiring names will set you apart from the competition.

Get ready to conquer the battlefield with these incredible picks!

Catchy Greek Team Names

1. Olympian Warriors
2. Zeus’s Thunderbolts ⚡️
3. Spartan Legends ️
4. Athena’s Owls
5. Poseidon’s Trident
6. Apollo’s Arrows
7. Hercules’ Heroes
8. Aphrodite’s Charmers
9. Dionysus’ Revelers
10. Hades’ Hellraisers
11. Ares’ Warriors ⚔️
12. Hermes’ Messengers ✉️
13. Persephone’s Shadows
14. Demeter’s Harvesters
15. Medusa’s Gorgons
16. Artemis’ Huntresses
17. Hephaestus’ Forgers
18. Nike’s Victors
19. Atlas’ Titans
20. Pandora’s Boxers
21. Hera’s Queens
22. Gaia’s Guardians
23. Eros’ Cupids
24. Cyclops Crushers ️
25. Pegasus Flyers ✈️

Creative Greek Team Names

1. Olympian Warriors
2. Zeus’ Thunderbolts ⚡️
3. Athena’s Wisdom
4. Apollo’s Arrows
5. Poseidon’s Trident
6. Hera’s Peacocks
7. Hermes’ Messengers
8. Aphrodite’s Lovebirds
9. Dionysus’ Revelers
10. Ares’ Warriors ⚔️
11. Demeter’s Harvesters
12. Hades’ Shadows
13. Persephone’s Blooms
14. Hephaestus’ Forgers
15. Artemis’ Hunters
16. Hestia’s Flames
17. Nike’s Victors
18. Eros’ Cupids
19. Gaia’s Guardians
20. Prometheus’ Innovators
21. Medusa’s Gorgons
22. Cyclops’ Visionaries ️
23. Pandora’s Box
24. Hercules’ Heroes
25. Sirens’ Melodies

Unique Greek Team Names

Can I Use One of the Zeus Team Names for My Greek Team?

Looking for creative names for zeus teams? Wondering if you can use one for your Greek team? While it’s essential to respect trademarks and intellectual property rights, you can certainly find inspiration in Zeus team names. Just make sure to create a unique and original name that represents your Greek team’s identity and sets you apart from others.

Classic Greek Team Names

1. ️ The Olympians
2. ⚔️ The Spartans
3. The Poseidons
4. The Athenians
5. The Trojans
6. The Helios
7. The Cosmos
8. ️ The Zeus’ Thunderbolts
9. ️ The Shieldbearers
10. The Tritons
11. The Aphrodite’s Roses
12. The Ares’ Falcons
13. ️ The Whirlwinds
14. The Forest Guardians
15. The Nereids
16. The Dawnbreakers
17. The Moonlit Shadows
18. The Volcanic Flames
19. The Artemis’ Archers
20. ️ The Zephyrs
21. The Celestial Warriors
22. The Oceanus’ Waves
23. The Grove Protectors
24. The Iris’ Rainbows
25. The Nyx’s Nightfall

Fun Greek Team Names

1. Olympian Warriors ️
2. Zeus’s Thunderbolts ⚡️
3. Athena’s Owls
4. Poseidon’s Trident
5. Apollo’s Sunbeams ☀️
6. Hermes’s Speedsters ‍♂️
7. Aphrodite’s Lovebirds
8. Dionysus’s Grape Crushers
9. Hades’s Underworlders
10. Ares’s Battle Cry ️
11. Demeter’s Harvesters
12. Hephaestus’s Forge Masters
13. Hera’s Peacocks
14. Persephone’s Spring Blossoms
15. Artemis’s Moonhunters
16. Hestia’s Hearth Keepers
17. Pan’s Satyrs
18. Nike’s Victorious Squad ✌️
19. Eros’s Love Arrows
20. Helios’s Sun Chasers ‍♂️
21. Iris’s Rainbow Racers ‍♀️
22. Hypnos’s Dream Team
23. Nyx’s Night Shadows
24. Gaia’s Earth Guardians
25. Tyche’s Lucky Charmers ‍♀️

Creative Greek Team Names

Popular Greek Team Names

1. Olympians ⚔️
2. Titans ️
3. Spartans ️
4. Athenians
5. Delphians
6. Helios ☀️
7. Poseidon’s Trident
8. Apollo’s Arrows
9. Zeus’ Thunderbolts ⚡
10. Hermes’ Messengers
11. Aphrodite’s Charms
12. Ares’ Warriors ⚔️
13. Dionysus’ Revelers
14. Hades’ Shadows
15. Hera’s Peacocks
16. Demeter’s Harvesters
17. Nike’s Victors
18. Hercules’ Strength
19. Persephone’s Blooms
20. Athena’s Owls
21. Artemis’ Hunters
22. Hephaestus’ Forgers
23. Hestia’s Flames
24. Pan’s Pipes
25. Gaia’s Guardians

Funny Greek Team Names

1. ️Olympus Fireballs
2. Gyro Heroes
3. Poseidon’s Splash Squad
4. Grapevine Gigglers
5. Zeus’s Thunderbolts
6. Pita Pals
7. Rainbow Souvlaki Squad
8. ️Hercules’ Hurricane Hooligans
9. Lemon Zesters
10. Dolphin Divers
11. Wine and Whine Warriors
12. Toga Turtles
13. Falafel Fanatics
14. Watermelon Warriors
15. Drama Queens and Kings
16. Ouzo Ostriches
17. Zorba’s Zany Zealots
18. Baklava Bandits
19. Apollo’s Sunbeams
20. Mythical Munchkins
21. Olive Oil Oilers
22. Sirtaki Superstars
23. Sugar Loukoumades
24. Athena’s Owl Brigade
25. Biscuit Bouzoukis

Cute Greek Team Names

1. Olympian Cuties
2. Zeus’ Little Helpers ⚡️
3. Aphrodite’s Adorables
4. Poseidon’s Pals
5. Athena’s Sweethearts
6. Hades’ Huggables
7. Apollo’s Sunbeams ☀️
8. Hermes’ Charmers
9. Dionysus’ Party Animals
10. Hera’s Dolls
11. Ares’ Warriors of Love ⚔️
12. Demeter’s Little Sprouts
13. Persephone’s Blossoms
14. Hephaestus’ Crafty Cuties
15. Artemis’ Moonlight Gems
16. Eros’ Cupid Cuties
17. Nike’s Victorious Violets
18. Pan’s Playful Pandas
19. Iris’ Rainbow Sparkles ✨
20. Helios’ Sunshine Squad ☀️
21. Hestia’s Cozy Kittens
22. Hypnos’ Dreamy Darlings
23. Gaia’s Earthy Cuties
24. Nyx’s Nighttime Stars ✨
25. Zephyrus’ Breezy Beauties

Best Greek Team Names

greek team names with meaning

  1. Olympians – In reference to the ancient Greek gods and their connection to the Olympic Games.
  2. Spartans – Inspired by the famous warriors of Sparta, known for their bravery and discipline.
  3. Titans – Named after the powerful deities who ruled during the golden age of Greek mythology.
  4. Athenians – Referring to the citizens of Athens, known for their cultural contributions and intellectual pursuits.
  5. Mythos – Meaning “legend” or “story” in Greek, representing the rich mythology of ancient Greece.
  6. Helios – Named after the Greek god of the sun, symbolizing strength and radiance.
  7. Delphi Oracles – Inspired by the priestesses of Delphi who were believed to possess prophetic powers.
  8. Hydra – Representing the mythological multi-headed serpent, symbolizing adaptability and resilience.
  9. Dionysians – After the Greek god Dionysus, associated with celebration, wine, and revelry.
  10. Argonauts – Named after the heroes who sailed with Jason in search of the Golden Fleece.
  11. Pantheon – Referring to the temple dedicated to the gods in ancient Greece, symbolizing divinity and honor.
  12. Hellenic Heroes – Representing the legendary Greek heroes such as Achilles, Odysseus, and Heracles.
  13. Muses – After the nine goddesses of inspiration and creativity in Greek mythology.
  14. Perseus Warriors – Inspired by the hero who slew Medusa and saved Andromeda.
  15. Acropolis – Referring to the iconic hilltop citadel in Athens, symbolizing strength and beauty.
  16. Pegasus Flyers – Named after the winged horse in Greek mythology, representing speed and grace.
  17. Delphic Oracles – Inspired by the prophecies delivered at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi.
  18. Olympus United – Representing the unity and strength of the gods residing on Mount Olympus.
  19. Minotaur Maulers – After the mythical creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man.
  20. Hercules Heroes – Named after the iconic hero known for his great strength and bravery.
  21. Sparta Spartans – Emphasizing the connection to the ancient city-state and its renowned warriors.
  22. Icarus Soarers – Inspired by the mythological character Icarus, symbolizing ambition and reaching for the sky.
  23. Delian Defenders – Referring to the ancient Greek island of Delos, representing protection and defense.
  24. Athena’s Owls – Named after the goddess of wisdom and her association with the wise owl.
  25. Apollo’s Arrows – Inspired by the god Apollo, representing precision and accuracy.
  26. Dionysus Revelers – After the god of wine and celebration, symbolizing joy and festivities.
  27. Delphi Guardians – Representing the protectors of the sacred site of Delphi and its prophecies.
  28. Pantheon Legends – Emphasizing the legendary status of the Greek gods and their stories.
  29. Poseidon’s Waves – Named after the god of the sea, symbolizing power and fluidity.
  30. Artemis Hunters – Inspired by the goddess of the hunt and her association with skilled archery.

Unique Greek Team Names

1. Olympian Titans
2. ️ Acropolis Warriors
3. Poseidon’s Trident
4. Athena’s Owls
5. ⚔️ Spartan Gladiators
6. Helios’ Sunbeams
7. Selene’s Moonlighters
8. ️ Zeus’ Thunderbolts
9. Dionysus’ Vineyard
10. Aegean Dolphins
11. Aphrodite’s Roses
12. ️ Boreas’ Cyclones
13. Apollo’s Chariots
14. Hermes’ Messengers
15. Artemis’ Archers
16. Hephaestus’ Forge
17. Nereus’ Navigators
18. Hades’ Shadows
19. Demeter’s Harvesters
20. Triton’s Waves
21. ️ Eurus’ Zephyrs
22. Persephone’s Pomegranates
23. Hyperion’s Dawnbreakers
24. Oceanus’ Mariners
25. Nyx’s Nightfall

Clever Greek Team Names

1. Olympus Titans
2. ️Acropolis Avengers
3. Poseidon’s Warriors
4. Athena’s Owls
5. ️Spartan Phalanx
6. Hera’s Roses
7. Mount Olympus Mavericks
8. ⚔️Hoplite Heroes
9. Sea Nymphs
10. Zeus’ Thunderbolts
11. Artemis’ Hunters
12. ️Ancient Greeks United
13. Trident Tribe
14. Athena’s Wisdom Seekers
15. Olive Branch Brigade
16. Sunset Sirens
17. Aphrodite’s Admirers
18. ⚡Zeus’ Lightning Strikes
19. ️Spartan Spartans
20. Nereid Navigators
21. Hermes’ Messengers
22. Selene’s Moonbeams
23. Helios’ Charioteers
24. Dionysus’ Revelers
25. ⚔️Ares’ Conquerors

Catchy Greek Team Names

Cool Greek Team Names

1. ️ Olympians
2. Poseidon’s Warriors
3. Celestial Titans
4. Olive Branches
5. ️ Aeolus’ Cyclones
6. Spartan Phalanx
7. Orion’s Belt
8. ️ Achilles’ Heels
9. Helios’ Chariots
10. Artemis’ Hunters
11. Triton’s Trident
12. Hades’ Inferno
13. Zeus’ Thunderbolts
14. Athena’s Owls
15. ️ Acropolis Avengers
16. ️ Zephyrus’ Zephyrs
17. Hermes’ Messengers
18. Perseus’ Protectors
19. ️ Hercules’ Heroes
20. Apollo’s Sunbeams
21. Selene’s Silver Arrows
22. Hephaestus’ Forgers
23. Demeter’s Harvesters
24. Nereus’ Navigators
25. ️ Aphrodite’s Admirers

Best Greek Team Names

1. Olympian Warriors ️⚔️
2. Spartan Titans ️
3. Athenian Gladiators ️⚔️
4. Delphic Oracles ️
5. Zeus’s Thunderbolts ⚡ ️
6. Poseidon’s Trident
7. Apollo’s Archers
8. Hermes’s Messengers
9. Athena’s Owls ️
10. Hades’s Shadows
11. Artemis’s Hunters
12. Ares’s Warriors ⚔️
13. Hephaestus’s Forgers
14. Dionysus’s Revelers
15. Aphrodite’s Beauties
16. Hera’s Queens
17. Demeter’s Harvesters
18. Persephone’s Shades
19. Pan’s Pipes
20. Nike’s Victors ✌️
21. Prometheus’s Firestarters
22. Medusa’s Gorgons ️
23. Cyclops Crushers ️
24. Centaur Stompers
25. Pegasus Flyers ✈️

Awesome Greek Team Names

1. Olympian Titans ️
2. Spartan Warriors ⚔️
3. Zeus’ Thunderbolts ⚡
4. Athenian Owls
5. Poseidon’s Trident
6. Hellenic Heroes
7. Delphic Oracles
8. Marathon Runners ‍♀️ ‍♂️
9. Apollo’s Arrows
10. Hera’s Peacocks
11. Dionysus’ Revelers
12. Ares’ Gladiators ⚔️
13. Aphrodite’s Lovebirds
14. Hermes’ Messengers
15. Hephaestus’ Forgers
16. Athena’s Wisdom
17. Demeter’s Harvesters
18. Persephone’s Shadows
19. Artemis’ Hunters
20. Hades’ Underworld
21. Medusa’s Gorgons
22. Cyclops Crushers ️‍ ️
23. Pandora’s Box
24. Hermes’ Winged Sandals ✉️
25. Zeus’ Lightning Bolts ⚡ ️

Favourite Greek Team Names

– Olympiacos ⚪️
– Panathinaikos
– AEK Athens
– PAOK Thessaloniki ⚫️⚪️
– Aris Thessaloniki
– Panionios
– Iraklis Thessaloniki ⚔️
– Asteras Tripolis ⭐️
– Atromitos Athens ⚔️
– Lamia FC
– Larissa FC
– OFI Crete
– Xanthi FC ⚔️
– Volos FC
– AEL Larissa
– PAS Giannina ⚡️
– Levadiakos FC ⚔️
– Panachaiki FC
– Apollon Smyrnis
– Kalamata FC
– Ergotelis FC ⚡️
– Panetolikos FC
– Trikala FC ⚔️
– Kavala FC
– Ionikos FC ⚡️
– Aittitos Spata

Good Greek Team Names

1. Zeus’s Thunderbolts ⚡️
2. Athena’s Warriors ️
3. Poseidon’s Trident
4. Apollo’s Arrows
5. Hermes’s Messengers
6. Aphrodite’s Lovebirds
7. Hades’s Shadows
8. Dionysus’s Revelers
9. Persephone’s Blooms
10. Hephaestus’s Forgers
11. Demeter’s Harvesters
12. Artemis’s Hunters
13. Ares’s Warriors ⚔️
14. Hera’s Queens
15. Nike’s Victors
16. Helios’s Sunbeams ☀️
17. Eros’s Cupids
18. Hestia’s Hearthkeepers
19. Iris’s Rainbows
20. Pan’s Pipes
21. Atlas’s Titans
22. Gaia’s Guardians
23. Chronos’s Timekeepers ⏳
24. Medusa’s Gorgons
25. Cyclops’s Thunderbolts ⚡️

greek names for teams

  1. Titans
  2. Spartans
  3. Olympians
  4. Athenians
  5. Warriors
  6. Gladiators
  7. Hercules
  8. Centaurs
  9. Zeus
  10. Apollo
  11. Poseidon
  12. Athena
  13. Medusa
  14. Aphrodite
  15. Hermes
  16. Dionysus
  17. Artemis
  18. Hades
  19. Perseus
  20. Ares
  21. Hera
  22. Nike
  23. Helios
  24. Pandora
  25. Iris
  26. Prometheus
  27. Cyclops
  28. Triton
  29. Calliope
  30. Nymphs

greek squad names

  1. Alpha Squad
  2. Omega Squad
  3. Beta Squad
  4. Gamma Squad
  5. Delta Squad
  6. Epsilon Squad
  7. Zeta Squad
  8. Theta Squad
  9. Iota Squad
  10. Kappa Squad
  11. Lambda Squad
  12. Mu Squad
  13. Nu Squad
  14. Xi Squad
  15. Omicron Squad
  16. Pi Squad
  17. Rho Squad
  18. Sigma Squad
  19. Tau Squad
  20. Upsilon Squad
  21. Phi Squad
  22. Chi Squad
  23. Psi Squad
  24. Omega Alpha Squad
  25. Beta Gamma Squad
  26. Delta Epsilon Squad
  27. Zeta Theta Squad
  28. Iota Kappa Squad
  29. Lambda Mu Squad
  30. Xi Omicron Squad

greek words for team names

  1. Olympians
  2. Titans
  3. Spartans
  4. Athenians
  5. Delphians
  6. Helots
  7. Corinthians
  8. Myrmidons
  9. Argonauts
  10. Perseus
  11. Trojans
  12. Centaurs
  13. Muses
  14. Hermes
  15. Hellenes
  16. Dionysians
  17. Ares
  18. Poseidons
  19. Athenas
  20. Apollo
  21. Zeus
  22. Aphrodites
  23. Hercules
  24. Heras
  25. Prometheus
  26. Pan
  27. Athena
  28. Demeter
  29. Nike
  30. Hermes

greek team names ideas

  1. Spartans United
  2. Olympians FC
  3. Athenian Warriors
  4. Delphi Dynamo
  5. Corinthian Titans
  6. Hellenic Heroes
  7. Mykonos Mariners
  8. Thessalian Thunder
  9. Macedonian Gladiators
  10. Rhodes Renegades
  11. Cretan Cyclones
  12. Samos Strikers
  13. Ithaca Islanders
  14. Santorini Serpents
  15. Argonauts Athletico
  16. Heraklion Hawks
  17. Delos Defenders
  18. Thebes Thunderbolts
  19. Naxos Navigators
  20. Patras Panthers
  21. Lesbos Lightning
  22. Sparta Stars
  23. Olympia Olympians
  24. Athens Arsenal
  25. Corinth Cosmos
  26. Pylos Prowlers
  27. Delphi Dragons
  28. Marathon Magicians
  29. Rhodes Roar
  30. Crete Crushers

greek group name ideas

  1. The Olympus Squad
  2. Hellenic Harmony
  3. Alpha Omega Alliance
  4. Zeus’s Warriors
  5. The Athena Squad
  6. Greek Myth Makers
  7. Olympus Legends
  8. Dionysus’ Delights
  9. Apollo’s Arrows
  10. The Spartan Spartans
  11. Poseidon’s Pioneers
  12. Pharaohs of Greece
  13. The Hercules Heroes
  14. Athena’s Army
  15. Zeus’s Lightning Bolts
  16. Delphi Dreamers
  17. Helios’ Charioteers
  18. The Spartan Brotherhood
  19. Artemis’ Archers
  20. Hellenic Heralds
  21. The Hermes Hermits
  22. Ares’ Avengers
  23. The Greek Gladiators
  24. Delphi Diviners
  25. Hera’s Guardians
  26. Olympus Oracles
  27. Dionysus’ Revelers
  28. Apollo’s Acrobats
  29. Gaia’s Guardians
  30. The Greek Gurus

greek names for groups

  1. Olympians
  2. Titans
  3. Spartans
  4. Athenians
  5. Myrmidons
  6. Argonauts
  7. Delphians
  8. Amazons
  9. Muses
  10. Helots
  11. Hellenes
  12. Ionians
  13. Aeolians
  14. Dorians
  15. Corinthians
  16. Thebans
  17. Aegeans
  18. Elysians
  19. Cretans
  20. Thessalians

greek mythology team names

  1. Olympian Titans
  2. Hades’ Heralds
  3. Poseidon’s Warriors
  4. Athena’s Champions
  5. Apollo’s Arrows
  6. Artemis’ Hunters
  7. Zeus’ Thunderbolts
  8. Demeter’s Harvesters
  9. Hera’s Protectors
  10. Ares’ Legion
  11. Hermes’ Messengers
  12. Persephone’s Shadows
  13. Hephaestus’ Forgers
  14. Dionysus’ Revelers
  15. Hestia’s Flames
  16. Eros’ Lovers
  17. Nike’s Victors
  18. Hecate’s Sorcerers
  19. Gaia’s Guardians
  20. Chaos’ Chosen

mythological team names

  1. The Titans
  2. The Valkyries
  3. The Phoenixes
  4. The Centaurs
  5. The Gorgons
  6. The Krakens
  7. The Minotaurs
  8. The Sirens
  9. The Cyclopes
  10. The Nymphs
  11. The Chimera
  12. The Harpies
  13. The Sphinxes
  14. The Furies
  15. The Pegasus
  16. The Cerberus
  17. The Medusas
  18. The Satyrs
  19. The Muses
  20. The Demigods

ancient group names

  1. Hittites
  2. Sumerians
  3. Phoenicians
  4. Persians
  5. Egyptians
  6. Babylonians
  7. Assyrians
  8. Mycenaeans
  9. Minoans
  10. Celts
  11. Etruscans
  12. Scythians
  13. Huns
  14. Vandals
  15. Visigoths
  16. Ostrogoths
  17. Carthaginians
  18. Thracians
  19. Dacians
  20. Gauls

ancient greek team names

  1. Spartan Warriors
  2. Athenian Gladiators
  3. Corinthian Titans
  4. Thebes Champions
  5. Delphi Oracle
  6. Olympia Olympians
  7. Mycenae Heroes
  8. Argos Legends
  9. Crete Minotaurs
  10. Troy Trojans
  11. Argonauts
  12. Marathon Runners
  13. Delian Dolphins
  14. Eleusis Mystics
  15. Achaean Phalanx
  16. Macedonian Conquerors
  17. Arcadian Hunters
  18. Thessalian Stallions
  19. Epirus Eagles
  20. Cretan Bulls

greek mythology group names

  1. Olympus Alliance
  2. Titans United
  3. Heroes’ Fellowship
  4. Nymphs Circle
  5. Fates Coalition
  6. Muses Society
  7. Olympian Brotherhood
  8. Centaur Clan
  9. Gorgon Collective
  10. Satyr Syndicate
  11. Minotaur League
  12. Sirens Union
  13. Harpies Assembly
  14. Cyclops Union
  15. Chimera Alliance
  16. Nereids Alliance
  17. Furies Syndicate
  18. Graces Society
  19. Furies Syndicate
  20. Dryads Circle

greek warrior group names

  1. Spartan Phalanx
  2. Athenian Hoplites
  3. The Myrmidons
  4. Sacred Band of Thebes
  5. Delian League Armada
  6. Thessalian Cavalry
  7. Corinthian Marines
  8. Boeotian Legion
  9. Epirote Guard
  10. Arcadian Rangers
  11. Macedonian Spearmen
  12. Achaean Champions
  13. Cretan Archers
  14. Theban Sacred Squadron
  15. Peloponnesian Brotherhood
  16. Phocian Blades
  17. Aetolian Raiders
  18. Samian Legion
  19. Messenian Foot Soldiers
  20. Elean Cavalry

greek mythology group names

  1. Olympian Pantheon
  2. Titans of Creation
  3. Nymphs of the Forest
  4. Furies of Vengeance
  5. Centaurs of the Wild
  6. Sirens of the Sea
  7. Harpies of the Sky
  8. Muses of Inspiration
  9. Minotaurs of the Labyrinth
  10. Gorgons of Petrification
  11. Cyclopes of Strength
  12. Fates of Destiny
  13. Muses of Art
  14. Graces of Beauty
  15. Elysian Heroes
  16. Nereids of the Oceans
  17. Chimera of Nightmares
  18. Sirens of Deception
  19. Cyclopes of Production
  20. Titans of Chaos

funny greek mythology team names

  1. Zeus’ Thunderbolts
  2. Athena’s Owls
  3. Apollo’s Sunbeams
  4. Hermes’ Heralds
  5. Poseidon’s Trident Tossers
  6. Aphrodite’s Lovebirds
  7. Hades’ Hellraisers
  8. Demeter’s Harvesters
  9. Persephone’s Pomegranates
  10. Dionysus’ Grape Crushers
  11. Hephaestus’ Hammerheads
  12. Ares’ Warlords
  13. Artemis’ Archers
  14. Hestia’s Hearthkeepers
  15. Hera’s Peacocks
  16. Medusa’s Stone Stares
  17. Cerberus’ Ruff Ruffians
  18. Eros’ Heartbreakers
  19. Orpheus’ Lyre Legends
  20. Theseus’ Labyrinth Navigators

mythical team names

  1. Phoenix Warriors
  2. Leviathan Titans
  3. Griffin Guardians
  4. Chimera Champions
  5. Kraken Krushers
  6. Minotaur Marauders
  7. Hydra Heroes
  8. Gorgon Gladiators
  9. Centaur Crusaders
  10. Pegasus Prowlers
  11. Medusa’s Maidens
  12. Cyclops Crushers
  13. Cerberus Saviors
  14. Siren Slayers
  15. Basilisk Battlers
  16. Harpy Heralds
  17. Nemean Lions
  18. Furies Fury
  19. Faun Fighters
  20. Argonauts Armada

ancient team names

  1. The Spartan Warriors
  2. The Roman Legionnaires
  3. The Athenian Gladiators
  4. The Egyptian Pharaohs
  5. The Mesopotamian Charioteers
  6. The Viking Raiders
  7. The Persian Immortals
  8. The Aztec Eagle Warriors
  9. The Mayan Jaguar Knights
  10. The Celtic Druids
  11. The Mongol Horsemen
  12. The Carthaginian War Elephants
  13. The Minoan Bull Fighters
  14. The Hittite Ironclads
  15. The Sumerian Archers
  16. The Assyrian Knights
  17. The Incan Sun Warriors
  18. The Babylonian Siege Masters
  19. The Phoenician Sea Pirates
  20. The Greek Hoplites