330+ Ghost Hunter Business Names

Looking to start your own ghost hunter business?

One of the first steps is choosing a catchy and memorable name that will grab the attention of potential customers. In this blog, we will explore creative and unique ghost hunter business names that will set you apart from the competition. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to rebrand, we’ve got you covered with a list of captivating names that will leave a lasting impression. Get ready to embark on a spooky adventure and discover the perfect name for your ghost hunting business.

Catchy Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. GhostBusters
2. Spectral Solutions
3. Paranormal Pursuit ️‍♂️
4. Phantom Finders
5. Haunt Hounds
6. Ecto-Searchers
7. Spirit Specialists ✨
8. Ghostly Detectives ️‍♀️
9. Phantom Hunters
10. Spooky Seekers
11. Supernatural Sleuths ‍♂️
12. Apparition Avengers ‍♀️
13. Ghost Whisperers ️
14. Phantom Chasers ‍♂️
15. Spirit Stalkers
16. Haunted House Hunters
17. Eerie Investigators
18. Specter Searchers
19. Ghostly Gurus ‍♂️
20. Phantom Phantoms
21. Paranormal Prodigies
22. Spirit Spotters
23. Ghost Guides ‍♀️
24. Haunting Hunters ️‍♀️
25. Spectral Specialists

Creative Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Spectral Seekers
2. Eerie Experiences ️
3. Phantasm Finders
4. Haunted Adventures
5. Ghostly Expeditions
6. Paranormal Pursuits
7. Spirit Hunters
8. Otherworldly Investigations
9. Phantom Probes
10. Supernatural Safaris
11. Mystic Discoveries
12. Spooky Surveys
13. Ghost Guides ️
14. Haunting Explorations
15. Specter Sleuths
16. Phantom Findings
17. Creepy Chronicles
18. Spine-Chilling Searches ❄️
19. Mystic Manifestations
20. Ghostly Gurus
21. Haunting Hounds
22. Ectoplasmic Expeditions
23. Paranormal Pathfinders
24. Phantom Phenomena
25. Spectral Explorers

Classic Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Spectral Investigations
2. ️‍♀️ Phantom Pursuers
3. ️ Haunted Histories
4. Moonlit Mysteries
5. ‍♂️ Eerie Enigmas
6. ️ Candlelit Spirits
7. Portal Probes
8. Spooky Searches
9. Paranormal Captures
10. Ghostly Detectives
11. ‍♀️ Supernatural Searches
12. Phantom Finders
13. ️ Timeless Spirits
14. Skeleton Crew
15. Astral Adventures
16. Forest Phantoms
17. Haunted Hideaways
18. ️ Key to the Unknown
19. ️ Otherworldly Investigations
20. Ghost Train Expeditions
21. Starlit Spirits
22. Book of Shadows
23. Spectral Sunrise
24. ‍♂️ Mystic Mysteries
25. ⚓️ Maritime Ghost Hunts

Fun Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Spectral Seekers
2. Phantom Finders
3. Ghostly Expeditions
4. Haunted Adventures
5. Spirit Seekers
6. Paranormal Pursuits
7. Eerie Excursions
8. Ghost Quest
9. Spooky Ventures
10. Phantom Hunters
11. Haunting Expeditions
12. Spectral Scavengers
13. Ghostly Treks
14. Paranormal Explorers
15. Phantom Probes
16. Haunted Hunts
17. Spirit Scouts
18. Eerie Expeditions
19. Ghostly Adventures
20. Spectral Safaris
21. Paranormal Pioneers
22. Phantom Pursuits
23. Haunting Hikes
24. Spirit Stalkers
25. Eerie Excavations

Popular Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Spectral Saviors
2. Phantom Finders ️‍♂️
3. Ectoplasm Explorers ️
4. Haunted Hunters ️
5. Paranormal Pursuers
6. Ghostly Guardians ️
7. Spirit Seekers
8. Phantom Phasers
9. Apparition Investigators
10. Specter Spotters
11. Spooky Scouts
12. Phantom Investigators ️‍♀️
13. Ghost Whisperers ️
14. Eerie Enthusiasts
15. Spirit Sleuths ️‍♂️
16. Creepy Ciphers ️
17. Haunting Hunters ️
18. Supernatural Seekers
19. Phantom Phenomenon ️
20. Ghost Guides ️
21. Otherworldly Observers ️
22. Paranormal Pathfinders ‍♀️
23. Apparition Adventurers
24. Spirit Spotters
25. Ghastly Gurus ‍♂️

Funny Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Ghostbusters R Us
2. Spectral Seekers
3. Phantom Finders
4. Ghostly Gurus
5. Spirit Snatchers
6. Apparition Avengers
7. Ghost Wranglers
8. Paranormal Pioneers
9. Haunted Hilarity
10. Ghostly Gigglers
11. Supernatural Stand-Up
12. Phantom Funnies
13. Spooky Chucklers
14. Ghostly Giggles
15. Haunted Hilarity Hunters
16. Spectral Satire
17. Laughing with Ghosts
18. Ghostly Guffaws
19. Witty Wraiths
20. Haunted Humor Hub
21. Ghostly Grins
22. Hilarious Hauntings
23. Giggling Ghostbusters
24. Supernatural Smiles
25. Jokes from the Other Side

Cute Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Ghostly Adventures
2. Spectral Seekers ️‍♂️
3. Boo-tiful Investigations
4. Hauntingly Cute Ghost Hunters
5. Ectoplasm Explorers
6. Spooky Snoopers
7. Ghost Whispers
8. Adorable Apparition Hunters
9. Phantasm Finders
10. Cute and Curious Ghost Chasers
11. Boo Crew Investigations ️‍♂️
12. Spectral Sensations ✨
13. Ghostly Delights
14. Enchanting Ecto-Seekers ✨
15. Playful Poltergeist Pursuers
16. Cute Ghost Gadabouts
17. Friendly Phantom Hunters
18. Charming Haunt Hunters
19. Sweet Spirit Sleuths
20. Darling Doppelgänger Detectives
21. Ghostly Grin Investigators
22. Cuddly Specter Spotters
23. Whimsical Wraith Watchers ✨
24. Cute and Cautious Ghost Trackers
25. Adorable Apparition Explorers

Unique Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Spectral Solutions
2. Phantom Finders
3. Spirit Seekers
4. ️ Haunting Hunters
5. Ghostly Expeditions
6. Paranormal Pursuits
7. ️‍♂️ Phantom Detectives
8. Supernatural Explorers
9. Ectoplasmic Encounters
10. ️‍♀️ Apparition Investigators
11. Doorway to the Dead
12. Shadow Chasers
13. Ghostbusters Guild
14. ‍♀️ Wraith Whisperers
15. ️ Spooky Scouts
16. ‍♂️ Phantom Trackers
17. Portal Probers
18. Lunar Luminaries
19. Spirit Spotters
20. Castle Keepers
21. Celestial Seekers
22. Twilight Trekkers
23. Crescent Conjurers
24. ️ Specter Specialists
25. ‍♂️ Enigma Explorers

Clever Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Spectral Solutions
2. Phantom Finders ️‍♂️
3. Ghostly Investigations
4. Paranormal Pursuit
5. Spirit Seekers ️
6. Haunt Hunters ️‍♀️
7. Eerie Enigma ️‍♂️ ❓
8. Ghost Detectives ️‍♀️
9. Supernatural Explorers
10. Spooky Sleuths ️‍♂️ ️‍♀️
11. Phantom Trackers ‍♂️
12. Specter Searchers ️
13. Ghostly Gurus
14. Paranormal Probes
15. Spirit Scanners ️
16. Haunted Chronicles
17. Ectoplasm Explorers ️
18. Ghost Whisperers
19. Supernatural Detectives ️‍♂️
20. Spooky Researchers ️‍♀️
21. Phantom Findings ️‍♂️
22. Spectral Seekers ️ ️‍♀️
23. Ghostbusting Geniuses
24. Paranormal Pursuers ‍♂️
25. Spirit Scouts ️ ️

Cool Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. GhostBusters
2. Paranormal Pursuit ️‍♂️
3. Phantom Finders
4. Spirit Seekers
5. Haunted Haven
6. Spectral Solutions
7. Ghostly Adventures
8. Supernatural Sleuths
9. Ectoplasm Explorers
10. Phantom Phasers
11. Ghost Detectives ️‍♀️
12. Apparition Expeditions
13. Poltergeist Pursuers ‍♂️
14. Spooky Specters
15. Phantom Hunters
16. Haunting Hounds
17. Paranormal Prodigies
18. Ghost Whisperers ️
19. Mysterious Manifestations ❓
20. Spirit Spotters
21. Otherworldly Investigators
22. Shadow Chasers
23. Ghostly Guardians ️
24. Phantom Finders
25. Spectral Stalkers

Best Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Paranormal Pursuit
2. Spectral Solutions ️‍♂️✨
3. Ghostly Investigations ️
4. Phantom Finders
5. Spirit Seekers ✨
6. Haunted Hounds
7. Eerie Enigmas ️‍♀️
8. Otherworldly Detectives
9. Supernatural Surveys
10. Phantom Hunters ️‍♂️
11. Ghost Whisperers ️
12. Apparition Analysis
13. Spooky Specters ️‍♀️
14. Mysterious Manifestations
15. Phantom Findings
16. Paranormal Probes ️‍♂️
17. Haunting Hunters
18. Spirit Sleuths
19. Ghostly Gurus ‍♂️
20. Spectral Solutions ️‍♀️✨
21. Enigmatic Entities
22. Otherworldly Observers
23. Spooky Seekers
24. Phantom Pursuit ️‍♂️
25. Haunted Investigations ️

Awesome Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Spectral Seekers
2. Paranormal Pioneers
3. Phantom Hunters ️‍♂️
4. Ectoplasm Explorers
5. Haunted Haven ️
6. Ghostly Guardians ️
7. Spirit Stalkers ️
8. Apparition Adventures
9. Phantom Finders
10. Specter Specialists
11. Wraith Wranglers
12. Supernatural Sleuths ️‍♀️
13. Ghost Whisperers ️
14. Poltergeist Pursuers
15. Phantom Phantasmagoria
16. Spooky Spectacle
17. Shadow Chasers
18. Eerie Expeditions
19. Phantom Phenomena
20. Paranormal Pathfinders ‍♂️
21. Ghostly Gazette
22. Spirit Spotters
23. Haunting Hounds
24. Supernatural Solutions
25. Phantom Phantasies ‍♀️

Favourite Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Spectral Seekers
2. ️‍♂️ Phantom Finders
3. Paranormal Pursuit
4. Ghost Guardians
5. Haunted Havens
6. Spirit Investigators
7. ️ Eerie Explorers
8. ️ Apparition Adventures
9. Supernatural Safaris
10. Phantom Phasers
11. Ghostly Trails
12. Specter Scouts
13. Spirit Snapshots
14. ️ Otherworldly Expeditions
15. Haunting Hounds
16. Phantasm Finders
17. Ghost Guides
18. Haunted Hideaways
19. Paranormal Pathfinders
20. Spooky Searchers
21. ️ Phantom Prowlers
22. Ghostly Getaways
23. Ectoplasm Explorers
24. ️ Apparition Adventures
25. Supernatural Sleuths

Good Ghost Hunter Business Names

1. Spectral Solutions
2. Phantom Finders ️‍♂️
3. Ghostly Guides
4. Paranormal Pursuit
5. Spirit Seekers
6. Ectoplasmic Encounters ️
7. Haunt Hunters ‍♂️
8. Apparition Adventures
9. Ghostbusters Inc.
10. Phantom Phasers
11. Specter Searchers
12. Phantom Phenomena
13. Wraith Wranglers
14. Paranormal Patrol
15. Ghostly Grapplers
16. Spooky Specters
17. Phantom Frenzy ️
18. Eerie Expeditions
19. Haunted Hideouts ️
20. Ghostly Guardians ️
21. Poltergeist Pursuit ‍♂️
22. Spirit Sleuths
23. Spectral Sensations
24. Apparition Adventures ‍♀️
25. Ghostly Gurus ‍♀️