400+ Funny Sorority Group Chat Names (2024)

Are you a part of a sorority and looking for a fun and hilarious group chat name that will make your sisters roll on the floor laughing?

In this blog, we have curated a list of hilarious and funny sorority group chat names that are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

From puns to pop culture references, we have something for everyone.

Let’s dive in and find the perfect name that will make your conversations even more enjoyable!

Catchy Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Margs
2. Alpha Betta Phis
3. Kappa Kappa Caffeine ☕
4. The Glitterati Gang ✨
5. Delta Divas ‍♀️
6. Sigma Sarcasm Society
7. The Wine and Whine Club
8. Phi Pho Phun
9. The Fabulous Flamingos
10. Gamma Giggles
11. The Sparkle Squad ✨
12. Theta Tacos
13. The Sass Masters ‍♀️
14. Zeta Zest ️
15. The Cheetah Sisters
16. Epsilon Espresso ☕
17. The Glamour Gurus
18. Alpha Airheads
19. Iota Ice Cream
20. The Laughing Lambdas
21. Beta Babes ‍♀️
22. The Snack Attack Squad
23. Delta Drama Queens
24. The Punny Phi Phis
25. The Sorority Shenanigans Squad

Creative Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Alpha LOLs
2. Kappa Krazies
3. Delta Divas
4. Sigma Silly Sisters
5. The Theta Tickle Squad
6. Zeta Zaniness
7. Gamma Gigglers
8. Phi Funsters
9. Epsilon Emoji Queens
10. The Chi Chatterboxes
11. Rho ROFLs
12. The Omega Oddballs
13. Beta Banter Babes
14. Iota Insanity
15. The Nu Nutcases
16. Lambda Laugh-a-lots
17. Pi Pranksters
18. The Mu Mischief Makers
19. The Omicron Oddities
20. Tau Tickle Time
21. The Upsilon Unicorns
22. The Psi Punny Posse
23. The Omega LOLcats
24. The Alpha Antics
25. The Kappa Comedy Crew

Unique Sorority Group Chat Names

Classic Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Fabulous Flamingos
2. The Sassy Sisters ‍♀️
3. The Chatty Chicks
4. The Hilarious Honeys
5. The Witty Wildcats
6. The Laughing Llamas
7. The Cheeky Chiquitas ‍♀️
8. The Jolly Jesters
9. The Giggling Gals
10. The Quirky Queens
11. The Comical Cuties
12. The Funny Foxes
13. The Hysterical Hens
14. The Joking Janes
15. The Lively Ladies
16. The Playful Penguins
17. The Silly Sisters
18. The Hootin’ Hootenannies
19. The Jovial Jamboree
20. The Chuckling Chinchillas
21. The Haha Squad
22. The Giggly Gang ‍♀️
23. The Smiling Sorority
24. The Funny Felines
25. The Hilarious Herd

Fun Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Fabulous Flamingos
2. The Sassy Sisters ‍♀️
3. The Hilarious Honeys
4. The Witty Wildcats
5. The Laughing Llamas
6. The Cheeky Chicks
7. The Jolly Jesters
8. The Giggling Gals
9. The Crazy Crew
10. The Hysterical Hoots
11. The Silly Squad
12. The Comical Cuties
13. The Lively Laughters
14. The Happy Hippos
15. The Playful Pals
16. The Chuckling Chameleons
17. The Funny Foxes
18. The Joking Jamboree
19. The Smiling Sisters
20. The Giggly Gummy Bears
21. The Hysterical Hurricanes
22. The Quirky Queens
23. The Laughing Ladybugs
24. The Witty Whirlwinds
25. The Hilarious Honeybees

Popular Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Chats ✈️
2. Chat-tastic Chicas
3. Chatzilla Squad
4. The Chat-tastic Crew
5. The Chat-tastic Chickadees
6. The Chatting Chameleons
7. The Chatting Cacti
8. The Chatting Unicorns
9. The Chatting Cupcakes
10. The Chatting Queens
11. The Chatting Divas
12. The Chatting Mermaids ‍♀️
13. The Chatting Flamingos
14. The Chatting Penguins
15. The Chatting Llamas
16. The Chatting Koalas
17. The Chatting Puppies
18. The Chatting Kittens
19. The Chatting Bumblebees
20. The Chatting Butterflies
21. The Chatting Pineapples
22. The Chatting Watermelons
23. The Chatting Avocados
24. The Chatting Donuts
25. The Chatting Rainbows

Creative Sorority Group Chat Names

Funny Sorority Group Chat Names

1. Sorority Sisters and Misters✨
2. The Fabulous Flamingos
3. The Alpha Betas
4. The Krazy Kappas
5. The Delta Divas
6. The Zeta Zappers ⚡️
7. The Sigma Superstars ✨
8. The Gamma Gigglers
9. The Theta Tornadoes ️
10. The Pi Party Animals
11. The Epsilon Entertainers
12. The Lambda Laughters
13. The Iota Icebreakers ❄️
14. The Nu Nutcases
15. The Omicron Oddballs
16. The Rho Rascals
17. The Tau Tickle Monsters
18. The Upsilon Unicorns
19. The Phi Pranksters
20. The Chi Chucklers
21. The Psi Party Planners
22. The Omega Oompa Loompas
23. The Sweet Sorority Squad
24. The Hilarious Honeys
25. The Jolly Jesters

Cute Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Fabulous Flamingos
2. The Sassy Sisters ‍♀️
3. The Bubbly Bunnies
4. The Sparkling Unicorns
5. The Cheeky Chicks
6. The Glamorous Giggles
7. The Quirky Cuties
8. The Sweet Sugarplums
9. The Cuddly Koalas
10. The Playful Pandas
11. The Hilarious Honeybees
12. The Charming Chipmunks ️
13. The Witty Whales
14. The Chirpy Chinchillas
15. The Adorable Avocados
16. The Dazzling Dolphins
17. The Funny Foxes
18. The Lively Ladybugs
19. The Darling Daisies
20. The Mischievous Monkeys
21. The Jolly Jellyfish
22. The Bouncy Butterflies
23. The Giggling Geckos
24. The Charming Cherries
25. The Silly Seahorses

Unique Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Sassy Sisters ‍♀️ ‍♀️
2. The Fabulous Flamingos
3. The Bubbly Bombshells
4. The Glittery Unicorns ✨
5. The Witty Wombats
6. The Hilarious Honeybees
7. The Crazy Catnip Crew
8. The Cheeky Chatterboxes ️
9. The Quirky Queens
10. The Laughing Llamas
11. The Silly Sistershood ‍♀️
12. The Jolly Jellyfish
13. The Giggling Gummy Bears
14. The Punny Pandas
15. The Comical Cupcakes
16. The Wacky Watermelons
17. The Chuckling Chinchillas
18. The Hysterical Hedgehogs
19. The Funny Flamingos
20. The Lively Llamas
21. The Joking Jesters
22. The Giggling Giraffes
23. The Hilarious Hippos
24. The Laughing Ladybugs
25. The Silly Seahorses

Best Sorority Group Chat Names

Clever Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Alpha LOLs
2. Kappa Krazies
3. Delta Divas ‍♀️
4. Gamma Gigglers
5. Sigma Snickers
6. Theta Tickle Squad
7. Zeta Zingers
8. Phi Funny Females ‍♀️
9. Chi Chatterboxes ️
10. Omega LOL Sisters
11. Epsilon Emoji Enthusiasts
12. Beta Banter Babes
13. Rho Rofl Crew
14. Iota Hilarious Honeys
15. Pi Punny Posse
16. Nu Nutty Natterers
17. Lambda Laugh Riot
18. Mu Meme Masters
19. Psi Pranksters
20. Upsilon LOL Legends
21. Omega Omg Squad
22. Phi Funny Faces
23. Kappa Comedic Queens
24. Alpha Haha Squad ‍♀️
25. Delta Daring Divas ‍♀️

Cool Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Fabulous Flamingos
2. The Sassy Sisters ‍♀️
3. The Glamorous Giggles
4. The Witty Wombats
5. The Hilarious Honeybees
6. The Cheeky Chicks
7. The Lively Llamas
8. The Quirky Queens
9. The Dynamic Divas
10. The Laughing Leprechauns
11. The Jolly Jesters
12. The Happy Hippos
13. The Playful Pandas
14. The Wacky Wildcats
15. The Chuckling Chameleons
16. The Silly Seahorses
17. The Comical Cacti
18. The Hysterical Hedgehogs
19. The Funny Flamingos
20. The Giggling Giraffes
21. The Whimsical Walruses
22. The Amusing Alpacas
23. The Entertaining Elephants
24. The Clever Koalas
25. The Lively Ladybugs

Best Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Chats ✈️
2. Chat-tastic Chicas
3. LOL Ladies
4. Chat Queens
5. The Gossip Gals ️
6. Chit Chat Crew ‍♀️
7. The Emoji Expressions
8. The Chat-tastic Sorority
9. The LOL Sisters
10. Chatting Chicks
11. The Giggle Gang
12. The Chatting Charmers
13. The Funny Flock
14. The Chatting Chickadees
15. The LOL Squad
16. The Emoji Enthusiasts
17. The Chatting Comedians
18. The Giggle Girls
19. The Chatting Clique ‍♀️
20. The LOL Llamas
21. The Emoji Addicts
22. The Chatting Chatterboxes ️
23. The Hilarious Herd
24. The Chatting Chiquitas
25. The LOL Lovelies

Catchy Sorority Group Chat Names

Awesome Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Sassy Sisters ‍♀️
2. The Fabulous Flamingos
3. The Glamorous Giggles
4. The Hilarious Honeys
5. The Witty Wildcats
6. The Cheeky Chicks
7. The Laughing Llamas
8. The Quirky Queens
9. The Jolly Jesters
10. The Comical Crew
11. The Funny Foxes
12. The Silly Sisters ‍♀️
13. The LOL Ladies
14. The Chuckling Chicas
15. The Giggling Goddesses
16. The Hysterical Honeybees
17. The Playful Puppies
18. The Smiling Squad ‍♀️
19. The Lighthearted Lions
20. The Haha Honeys
21. The Funny Flamencos
22. The Joking Jaguars
23. The Witty Whirlwinds ️
24. The Laugh-a-Lot Ladies
25. The Hilarious Hoots

Favourite Sorority Group Chat Names

1. Pizza Pals
2. Party Animals
3. Dancing Divas
4. Flower Power
5. LOL Sisters
6. Cocktail Crew
7. Fabulous Flamingos
8. Cat-tastic Chatters
9. Rainbow Riot
10. Donut Delights
11. Drama Queens
12. Sweet Tooth Squad
13. Blossom Buddies
14. Silly Sisters
15. Melody Makers
16. Paw-some Pals
17. Taco Tuesday Tribe
18. Laughing Legends
19. Ice Cream Dream Team
20. Unicorn Universe
21. Selfie Squad
22. Popcorn Party
23. Pink Panthers
24. Sunshine Sisters
25. Balloon Brigade

Good Sorority Group Chat Names

1. The Sassy Sisters ‍♀️
2. The Giggle Gang
3. The Fabulous Flock
4. The Witty Wombats
5. The Hilarious Honeys
6. The Laughing Llamas
7. The Jokesters Squad
8. The Cheeky Chicks
9. The Comic Crew
10. The LOL Ladies ‍♀️
11. The Chuckle Champions
12. The Funny Flamencos
13. The Humor Heroes ‍♀️
14. The Quirky Queens
15. The Comedy Clique ‍♀️
16. The Giggling Gals
17. The Hysterical Herd
18. The Silly Sisters
19. The Laugh Riot
20. The Jolly Jesters
21. The Haha Honeys
22. The Funny Flamingos
23. The Humorous Hive
24. The Chuckling Chicks
25. The Comedic Clan

sorority group names

  1. Alpha Delta Pi
  2. Delta Gamma
  3. Sigma Kappa
  4. Kappa Alpha Theta
  5. Zeta Tau Alpha
  6. Phi Mu
  7. Chi Omega
  8. Alpha Phi
  9. Delta Zeta
  10. Kappa Delta
  11. Gamma Phi Beta
  12. Alpha Chi Omega
  13. Delta Delta Delta
  14. Pi Beta Phi
  15. Sigma Delta Tau
  16. Theta Phi Alpha
  17. Alpha Sigma Alpha
  18. Delta Phi Epsilon
  19. Kappa Kappa Gamma
  20. Sigma Sigma Sigma

funny sorority names

  1. Alpha Betasaurus
  2. Delta Divas
  3. Zeta Zealots
  4. Sigma Sillies
  5. Kappa Krazies
  6. Phi Phunnies
  7. Gamma Gigglers
  8. Eta Entertainers
  9. Omega Oddballs
  10. Nu Nutcases
  11. Rho Rascals
  12. Pi Pranksters
  13. Tau Tickle Monsters
  14. Chi Chuckleheads
  15. Psi Punsters
  16. Upsilon Unicorns
  17. Iota Imps
  18. Theta Twerkers
  19. Leta Laughters
  20. Beta Babes

funny group chat names

  1. The Punderful Pals
  2. The Meme Team
  3. The Emoji Avengers
  4. The Sassy Squad
  5. The Comical Crew
  6. The LOL League
  7. The Jokesters United
  8. The Wit and Wisdom Warriors
  9. The Pun-tastic Posse
  10. The Hilarious Huddle
  11. The Giggle Gang
  12. The Laughter Legion
  13. The Comedy Connoisseurs
  14. The Chuckle Champions
  15. The Banter Brigade
  16. The Snicker Squad
  17. The Humor Heroes
  18. The Guffaw Group
  19. The Silly Siblings
  20. The Amusing Allies

hilarious group chat names for students

  1. LOL Squad
  2. The Punderful Posse
  3. Class Clowns Collective
  4. Meme Team Madness
  5. Hilarity Hackers
  6. Jokesters Junction
  7. The Comedy Crew
  8. Laughter Legion
  9. The Punny Party
  10. Chuckle Club
  11. Wit and Humor Hub
  12. Lighthearted League
  13. Funny Business Brigade
  14. Giggles and Grins Group
  15. Hilarious Hyenas
  16. Humorous Huddle
  17. The Quip Queens
  18. Belly Laugh Battalion
  19. Smirk Squad
  20. Guffaw Gang